#003-WORD: Change the capitalization or case of text 

Description: this task will demonstrate how you can quickly change the capitalization or case of text using keyboard shortcuts and/or the application ribbon.


Using “Change Case” from the ribbon you have five options, Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Capitalize Each Word, and tOGGLE cASE.

Every office has that “one” person that either likes to use all caps, or they just can’t avoid the Caps lock on their keyboard. You may be that person. If you are working on a document and you have mistakenly hit Caps Lock aND yOUR tEXT lOOKS sOMETHING lIKE tHIS, OR YOUR TEXT LOOKS LIKE THIS. You don’t have to re-type the mistake. It is very easy to correct, and you may even be mad when you see just how easy.

(The Nuts&Bolts)

(First Thing) - Download the (Change Case) sample template for this task: (Here), or create your own Word document to use for this task.


Option One - (Quick) Keyboard shortcuts

To change text using only the keyboard, highlight the selected text, hold down the Shift key and press F3. This option will toggle around three different case options:

  • all lowercase
  • Sentence case (first letter of each sentence is uppercase and the rest lowercase)

Step One: Highlight the sample text, hold down the Shift key and then press F3

Step Two: Hold down the Shift key and press F3

Step Three: Continue to hold down the Shift key and click F3 to cycle through the three case options this keyboard shortcut offers.

Option Two - Change text Case using the ribbon

Another way to change the case of text is to select the text that you want to change and select “Change Case” in the Font group of the (Home) tab in the Ribbon.

  • Sentence case (The first letter of each sentence is uppercase and the rest are lowercase)
  • lowercase
  • Capitalize Each Word
  • tOGGLE cASE (toggles the case of all text)

Step One: Highlight the sample text, and select “Change Case” in the Font group of the (Home) tab in the Ribbon

Step Two: Select the capitalization you want to use

Option Three - Keyboard shortcuts using (Alt key) for the Change Case menu

Keyboard shortcuts to apply access the Change Case menu:
Alt key + H, and then 7  which opens the Change Case menu list. Press S, L, U, C, or T to choose the Change Case option you want.

Step One: Highlight the sample text and hold down the ALT key + H Key

You should then see the available keyboard shortcuts for the ribbon

Step Two: Release the ALT key + H Key and press the 7 Key

You can select the capitalization you would like to use from the menu by selecting the corresponding keyboard shortcuts S, L, U, C, or T.

Task Complete


Microsoft Support: Change the capitalization or case of text  
