Handbrake for Windows

Handbrake Installer


Windows users, please make sure to install Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime version 6.0.x. Read carefully: you need the DESKTOP runtime. You must install .NET 6 even if you have installed .NET 7.

Install Handbrake and libdvdcss-2.dll So You Can Decrypt DVDs

To encode DVD's you need to do the following.

First, you’ll need to download (64bit) libdvdcss-2 dll to your computer.

Copy the libdvdcss-s.dll file to your Handbrake program folder. If you used the default installation settings, this should be in C:\Program Files\Handbrake.

After this, Handbrake will be able to read your encrypted DVDs

What you get



Downloads you need:

Handbrake for Windows 10 (64bit)

Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime version 6.0.x (64bit)

libdvdcss-2 dll (64bit)